+1 804 221 1273
Remember that you can come in for a FREE 15 minute assessment to see if physical therapy is right for you and you feel we are a good fit for your care.
Patients start with an Initial Evaluation that includes an in depth patient history, evaluation of body mechanics, functional task completion, and a discussion about what plan of care can best help you achieve your goals.
Since we collaborate on your plan of care you can decide which of these Follow Up service(s) work best for you; it's flexible week to week to meet your needs. Only have 15 minutes one week? No problem! Just want manual therapy for 30 minutes? It's your choice!
Payment is conveniently accepted online when you schedule. We only accept electronic forms of payment such as HSA/FSA cards, debit and/or credit cards.
We have MANY packages (below) to make things even more affordable!
We offer a variety of packages to help make your treatments affordable! Once you are a registered patient you will see many options for various packages.
We frequently offer new packages and if you don't see something that suits your needs just ask us and we will be happy to create one that helps you out!
Once you are registered when you log in to PT Everywhere select the Services tab to access packages. Once you purchase one you can start scheduling and when you check out you simply apply the package and book your session!
HELPFUL HINT: Once you purchase a package please make sure you log OUT and then back IN to be able to apply the package to your appointments!